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Homeschool Program for children 2- 7 years old



We follow our own Spanish Immersion Curriculum developed by our teachers and approved by Texas Rising Star.

Every week we have a different theme:

Children will be learning 

  • ABC

  • Numbers

  • Colors

  • Shapes

  • Arts & Crafts

  • Math

  • and much more.

  • Age appropriate curriculum and materials.


Our daily schedule is as follows: ( This is an example)


9:00 – Circle Time (theme of the week, songs, music, etc.)

Language and Communication
9:30 – Snack Time
10:00 – Pre- writing skills 

Emergency Literacy
10:20 –Math skills

10:40- Physical Development ( exercise, yoga or dance)
11:00 – Centers or A
rts & Crafts
11:30 –Play Time, Free Play or Sensory Activity
12:00 –Lunch Time

12:30 - Dismissal



Our homeschool program is twice a week for 5 months long per semester.

You can enroll by semester

1st  semester: August - December

2nd semester: January - May


Payments are every 4 weeks

only $ 80 Weekly ($320 every 4 weeks)

Prices are per child

Registration fee $50 or $100 per family

Material fee $75 per semester

Uniform T-Shirt $12 each






Come in and meet us!            Schedule your tour Monday - Friday at 5 pm


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