Accepting Applications for Next Year
Accepting Applications for Next Year

Donde comienza la aventura del aprendizaje ..
Where the learning adventure begins...
Give us a call 832 458-2300 Spring TX
The health and safety of our children and families is always our highest priority. To mitigate the risks of COVID-19 while children are in our care, we have adopted additional health and safety measures based on CDC guidelines, state and local regulations, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
We require:
Face Coverings- Staff members wear facial coverings while caring for children. Children may wear face covering at parents request.
Health Checks- We screen temperatures of staff and children everyday. If a child or adult shows signs of illness is not permitted to enter the facility. If a child becomes ill during the day, they will stay in a separate area while awaiting pickup.
Safe Distancing- Staff members are the only adults permitted to enter the building. Pick up and drop off take place in the reception area, only two adults at the time are permitted.
Meals- Meal safety varies by state and may involve serving individual portions instead of family style and we are requiring that food be brought from home.
Sleep-During nap times, mats are placed head to toe, not face to face keeping a safe distancing. Each child’s bedding is stored separately.
Sanitation and Disinfecting - We continue our focus on hand-washing and disinfecting throughout the day. Staff will wear disposable gloves for serving food, changing diapers/toileting, etc.